you my flower
song: dulli
tabs: mcclure
Bit of a tricky son of a bitch is this song as it’s in 7/8 time I believe,
which in this song anyway means alternating bars of 4/4 and 3 /4 .
To get the feel right, just sing along with the track:‘1 2 3 4, 1 2 3’ until
you’re in time, then translate it into your strumming. Maybe this is obvious
but it took me a while to get it right.
So the main progression is :
Bar count 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
Em7 G Cadd9 Cadd9
The chords being as follows : Em7 = 022033
G = 320033
Cadd9 = X32033
For the bass you could either follow the root notes and/or play one of
John’s best basslines :
Em7 G Cadd9
Once you get the hang of it, it may be more authentic to play it all on
the low E string to get the right feel of sliding into all the notes like
it sounds on the record.
Anyway you play the Em7, G, Cadd9 progression 4 times as an intro before
the vocals.
Same Em7, G, Cadd9 progression 8 times as per the intro over these lyrics :
Em7 G Cadd9
so what YOU make me hard
if i was harder now i would crack into a million things
things i didn't really need
things i didn't really need but how i wanted so
what a nice dream
didn't want to wake up so i kept it dark all the time
dark enough so not to see
but not as dark as the plans that YOU have for me
Basically a bit of a jam on the G chord. I play it by alternating
between a G and a G5 chord :
G - 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
G5 - 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
G - 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
G5 - 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
i.e. G = 320033 and G5 = 3X0033
Same Em7, G, Cadd9 progression 8 times as per the intro over these lyrics :
Em7 G Cadd9
so what YOU made me smile
i had smiled at lesser things before i ever thought of YOU
before i thought my soul was mine
now i think about me only when i can find the time
As before
Remembering to keep up the time changes for each chord as before it’s :
F= 133211 Em=022000
flowers all around
put your lover in the ground
flowers everywhere
G G= 355433 (to make it a little easier)
yeah yeah yeah
F Em
nowhere YOU can be found
i have put YOU in the ground
nowhere is everywhere
Em Em
Em Em
for YOU
my flower
Em Em
Sorry folks, no solo transcription as I’m nowhere near Rick’s league, but
if you fancy having a go it’ll be in Em (E F# G A B C D I think) over 8 lots
of the Em G Cadd9 progression.
Same Em7, G, Cadd9 progression 4 times as per the intro over these lyrics,
except a little quieter (turn yer distortion off if applicable!) :
Em7 G Cadd9
better get myself a drink
better get a couple so i can look YOU straight in the face
tell YOU that i think of YOU
almost as much as YOU think of YOU
Just one 7/8 run through of the G chord this time (distortion back on
electric people!)
Pretty much as before with an extra riff that I haven’t yet worked out,
playing the chorus progression to fade out with some more top notch soloing
from Rick. If you work this out please post it!
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